Due to a decision of the Governing Council of the Bulgarian National Bank as of the 2nd of December to apply the adopted by the European Banking Authority (EBA) – Guidelines EBA/GL/2020/15 for extending the application of EBA Guidelines on legislative and non‐legislative moratoria on loan repayments applied in the light of the COVID‐19 crisis, the Executive Board of the ABB would like to inform the public that it works on amendments in the approved by the BNB and adopted in April 2020 with amendments in July 2020 Procedure for deferral (“Procedure for Deferral and Settlement of Liabilities Payable to Banks and their Subsidiaries – Financial Institutions”).
The amendments in the document are going to be presented in a short period to the Governing Council of the BNB and in case they are approved, they are going to be announced in an appropriate way. Through the amendments in the Procedure for deferral the banks in Bulgaria are going to offer their clients, having difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the provided new regulatory possibilities for deferral of liabilities.
The Executive Board of the ABB is going to inform timely the public when the amendments are adopted by the Governing Council of the BNB as we are going to publish the amendments in the Procedure for deferral at the ABB Internet site – www.abanksb.bg.