In connection with the intention expressed by the Government to introduce a requirement for the payment of wages only by bank transfer to certain enterprises, the banking community shares the need for relaxed conditions in the service of workers receiving a minimum wage. In this way, they will also have access to and be able to benefit from the convenience and security of banking services, as is the practice in all developed economies.

Banks work actively and are ready, individually, to introduce in a short period of time exemption from fees in connection with services when using an account with parameters similar to those regulated in Art. 118 – 121 of the Law on Payment Services and Payment Systems – a payment account with basic features, for persons receiving their wages in a bank account, when it is in the amount of the minimum wage. As before and according to the legal requirements, each bank will publicly announce its current conditions.

Banks in the country prove themselves as a reliable partner to all their clients, including by offering, according to their own vision, preferential terms and conditions for groups of clients or individuals.