In relation with the provisions set in Art. 182, para. 8 of the Consumer Protection Act and on the grounds of Art. 6, para. 1 of the Regulation on the Activities of the Common and Sectoral Resolution Commissions according to which the ABB is foreseen as a representative organization of the banks in Bulgaria to be invited to appoint members in the sectoral commissions in the financial sphere, the Executive Board of the ABB took a decision the Association to appoint candidates to be included only in the list of the ABB representatives in the sectoral resolution commission for financial services, incl. distant financial services, related with granting consumer and mortgage loans. Those representatives are as follows:
– Galina Georgieva Zlatinova – Manager Legal Servicing of Retail Banking, Legal Directorate, United Bulgarian Bank AD;
– Miroslava Georgieva Georgieva – Manager Physical Persons Credit Documentation, CIBANK EAD;
– Ivelina Manolova Todorova – Manager Legal Division, Societe Generale Expressbank AD;
– Rossitsa Borissova Velkova – Director Directorate Management of Products for Physical Persons and Households, DSK Bank EAD;
– Eleonora Hristoforova Ivanova – Legal Advisor of the ABB.
By an order of the Chairman of the Consumer Protection Commission as of the end of December 2015 the appointed candidates by the ABB were included in the list of the approved members of that commission.