On the ABB General Assembly held on the 30th of March 2016 the Association of Banks in Bulgaria elected for a new three year mandate as members of the ABB Executive Board:
1. Violina Marinova – Chairperson of the Executive Board and Chief Executive Director of DSK Bank EAD;
2. Georgi Konstantinov – Member of the Executive Board and Executive Director of Central Cooperative Bank AD;
3. Svetoslav Gavriiski – Chairman of the Executive Board and Chief Executive Director of Allianz Bank Bulgaria AD.

Mrs. Violina Marinova continues to be the Deputy Chairperson of the Executive Board of the ABB.

The rest of the members of the ABB Executive Board who continue their mandates are: Mr. Peter Andronov, Chairman of the ABB Executive Board and the other members of the Executive Board: Mrs. Petya Dimitrova, Mrs. Tzenka Petkova, Mr. Emil Angelov.